Looking to get hire an amazing graphic designer? Look no further, I'm your Creative Director.

Affordable design consultants are hard to find - but I'm just the quality freelancer you need to take your small to medium-sized business to the next level.

Currently, I live and work for Yeti Society, an innovative creative agency based out of sunny beautiful Southern California. However, I'm always looking to further my career and collaborate with others in the design industry. The best ideas are those that are shared and build upon - communication is key. Please contact me anytime at info@airxon.com, or call 949.923.1669 - talk soon!

Microsoft mix

Microsoft's mixer gets a makeover

When Microsoft goes to Vegas, they look to make a statement both on and off the strip

Microsoft’s mix11 event was a gathering of developers, designers, UX experts, and business professionals who had created the most innovative and profitable consumer sites on the web. Sessions ranged from technical, code-based topics to expert advice on content strategy, usability, and design. Microsoft requested Exsilio to refresh the mix brand for the mix11 event. The goal was to increase awareness, create excitement, and network around Microsoft’s web platform and tools. I led a team of designers responsible for developing the digital assets for the event, including new branding concepts for both the registration website and campaign creative. Thanks to the rebranding, mix 11 exceeded the attendance numbers set from the previous year and reached the campaign goal.


Event Marketing Campaign


Microsoft Corporation

Mobile First

Utilizing the latest technologies

One of the most sizable efforts put forth for the event was focusing on the latest design trends in the development world. At the time, mobile-friendly websites were a new and unexplored industry. To draw excitement I built the responsive framework for the event registration site.

Vegas crowds draw a big online audience

As part of the campaign launch, Microsoft commissioned my team to build a fully-functional site for the event. Dynamic content ranged from highlighting speaker sessions to building comment forums on popular posts from the event. My team was responsible for the site's design conceptualization, development, and launch.

Billboard Design

Sometime you got to go big or go home

What is a show in Vegas without a billboard? Because Microsoft wanted to make a statement, I took this as an opportunity to build out a variety of banners that highlight the event's unique look and feel.

The importance of registration packets and promo offers

The power of word-of-mouth is often underestimated in today's modern marketing world. However, upon registering on Microsoft's event site - we wanted attendees to get excited about their recent purchase. As such, each recipient received a registration packet full of promo material and special offers to get them energized about the upcoming event, including hotel discounts and referral bonuses. Consequently - they told their coworkers and generated additional sales organically.

Email Marketing

What's a marketing event without emails

One of the most impactful pieces of any event this large is the sales leads generated from the data collected on the backend. Upon registration, my team was responsible for developing A/B email campaigns to be sent to each registrar to demonstrate to Microsoft their return on investment.


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