Looking to get hire an amazing graphic designer? Look no further, I'm your Creative Director.

Affordable design consultants are hard to find - but I'm just the quality freelancer you need to take your small to medium-sized business to the next level.

Currently, I live and work for Yeti Society, an innovative creative agency based out of sunny beautiful Southern California. However, I'm always looking to further my career and collaborate with others in the design industry. The best ideas are those that are shared and build upon - communication is key. Please contact me anytime at info@airxon.com, or call 949.923.1669 - talk soon!

Satori BBQ

Take Flight with Powerful Design

With all the noise in the consumer market, how do you make an impact? That’s where powerful design comes in and differentiates you from your competitors

The drone movement has been strong here in Southern California, with enthusiasts taking to the streets, rivers, and beaches. Satori Aerial was created in response to the emerging market for drones and drone accessories, with their products also combating what is now coined as “drone fatigue”. The challenge with marketing their cutting-edge gear was that the oversaturation of the drone market was inhibiting the owner’s ability to catch the attention of his potential customer base. To solve that problem, the creator of Satori Aerial came to me for the most eye-catching graphics, videos, packaging, and marketing materials he could get his hands on. By investing his time into top-notch visuals, he was able to make the powerful impact that he wanted and became regularly featured in drone news outlets and carried in major industry box stores with his products.


Ecommerce & Packaging


Satori Aerial Drones


Drone demo takes on new dimension

Excite, inspire, and get people talking with slick videos that showcase what makes a product truly different. These days it’s not enough to just put up a couple of photos of a product; it’s time to show consumers why they want it from you instead of the other guy.

Punch Up Your Print Design

The value of package design is often overlooked. This missed opportunity is the first engagement with your customer. From the paper quality to the nuances of embossing - the details matter and are oftentimes the deciding factor if your product sells.

Drone sales skyrocket with new ecommerce site

As part of their rebrand, Satori needed a new eCommerce platform to host all their various product offerings. This site would need to be flexible, scalable, and tie directly into their social media marketing efforts. As such, I built their team both a WooCommerce site and Shopify landing page that integrated with Satori's various campaigns on HubSpot.


Billy's Bold Rebrand