Looking to get hire an amazing graphic designer? Look no further, I'm your Creative Director.

Affordable design consultants are hard to find - but I'm just the quality freelancer you need to take your small to medium-sized business to the next level.

Currently, I live and work for Yeti Society, an innovative creative agency based out of sunny beautiful Southern California. However, I'm always looking to further my career and collaborate with others in the design industry. The best ideas are those that are shared and build upon - communication is key. Please contact me anytime at info@airxon.com, or call 949.923.1669 - talk soon!

Threadshock BBQ

A Brand That's Dying To Be Worn

With all the superhero movies permeating the movie market nowadays, I chose to revisit the classics that paved the way to modern-day cinema.

Drawing inspiration from The Shining, Creature of the Black Lagoon, and more, the aesthetic for Threadshock was born, which went a little more smoothly than Frankenstein’s Monster if I do say so myself. With the goal of providing consumers more options for fresh designs and comfortable outerwear. Threadshock delivers a product that calls back to the vintage designs of the past while pushing forward a contemporary look. Don’t worry, contemporary hits such as IT, Hereditary, and more are featured in this exclusive shop of horrors.


Packaging & Branding



Logo Design

Where a Brand Always Begins

Taking inspiration from vintage cartoons and classic horror films, the Threadshock logo was born. Combining easily recognizable elements such as Frankenstein’s neck rivets and an undead hand reaching from the grave, the logo effectively shows the genre in which it speaks for.

Show Your Love of Horror with Electrifying Apparel

Undead Appeal

Sometimes the best way to get people excited about what a company has to offer means getting out there and making some real-life connections. Whether it’s attending movie premieres, conferences, or talking with other shop owners, a stand-out business card is essential to leaving a killer first impression.

Grenade Beer

Beer Product Packaging