Looking to get hire an amazing graphic designer? Look no further, I'm your Creative Director.

Affordable design consultants are hard to find - but I'm just the quality freelancer you need to take your small to medium-sized business to the next level.

Currently, I live and work for Yeti Society, an innovative creative agency based out of sunny beautiful Southern California. However, I'm always looking to further my career and collaborate with others in the design industry. The best ideas are those that are shared and build upon - communication is key. Please contact me anytime at info@airxon.com, or call 949.923.1669 - talk soon!

Geekfeud BBQ

Get your 24hr geek gossip with Geekfeud

I've always wanted to persue my passion for film... so why not start my own movie magazine?

That's exactly what I did with Geekfeud. Having graduated with my BA in Film & Media Studies, I've always longed to become part of the entertainment industry in some capacity. I can remember after watching Stanley Kubrick's, The Shining, I thought to myself... wow, this medium is not just a form of entertainment - it's a reflection upon our social norms. This idea of cultural evolution and the role the media plays in capturing those moments has always fascinated me. Much like design, film can also elicit an emotional response from its audience. While my design career has lead me down a path in marketing, I still long to critique cinema as it has remained one of my true passions. Consequently, I built Geekfeud - an online platform which I designed and developed for other film enthusiasts such as myself.


Mobile App & Branding


Geekfeud Entertainment

Mobile Responsive


As with all of my other projects, I design with a mobile-first approach to web development. Consequently, I built Geekfeud's site to be fully responsive across all devices by utilizing media queries, HTM5, CSS3, and JQuery customization.


One of my biggest pet peeves today is that all websites look the same. This is in part due to the widespread adoption of content management systems and templatized layouts. That said, I wanted Geekfeud to be different. That's why I went back to the basics and looked at much of the best practices adopted in print design to steer the audience into reading the content.


To provide a holistic experience for my subscribers, I also built a video series where I regularly review the latest films and Hollywood gossip. To monetize the site, I have built-in advertising space for Youtube channels and digital display ads. These series are edited entirely by myself using Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere.


ImagineCup Event Marketing